Notice of ground investigation surveys off Tolldish Lane, Great Haywood

Notice of ground investigation surveys off Tolldish Lane, Great Haywood September 2021 

HS2 Information

HS2 Commonplace website.

This is a Staffordshire specific site run by HS2 Ltd. which provides information on the proposals for Phase One and Phase 2a of the route, including how it is being constructed, what they are doing to make things less disruptive, upcoming community engagement activities and construction works across the area.


 HS2 Logo

 HS2 Public Consultation 17 February 2019 - Presentation 

HS2 presentation to Colwich Parish Council.

Please find below a PDF version of the recent HS2 presentation to Colwich Parish Council.

Please view the public consultation presentation video here.

 After viewing the presentation, please submit any questions you may have about HS2 to the Parish Council by e-mail to the Chairman, or any other parish councillor if preferred.

Hybrid Bill Petition 

Click here for Hybrid Bill Petition.

House of Commons Session 2017-19 Second Additional Provision (AP2) to the High Speed Rail (West Midlands to Crewe) Bill February 2019

HS2 Assurance Letter

On 1st May 2019 Colwich Parish Council presented its petition on HS2 to the HS2 Select Committee. For a recording of the presentation please click the link below.

Please see below for a copy of the HS2 assurance letter:

Colwich PC Petitioner


HS2 Previous Information

HS2 Community Event 2018

Complaints about HS2 and the HS2 Independent Construction Commissioner 

HS2 Safeguarding

HS2 updated safeguarding maps 

Community engagement strategy 

The following matters have been passed to Stafford County Council to take forward with HS2 on behalf of Colwich Parish:

Matters to be taken into consideration following meeting between Colwich Parish and HS2

HS2 Logo  

Date 20th July 2017.

Phase 2a Hybrid Bill 

The Secretary of State for Transport announced the deposit of the Phase 2a Hybrid Bill and his decisions on the design refinements consulted on last autumn, including the location of the railhead / Infrastructure Maintenance Base near Stone.

 The deposit starts a Parliamentary consultation on the Environmental Statement, details of which can be found here:  

 HS2 Ltd is also running a consultation on the Equality Impact Assessment Report, details of which are here:  

 The Parliamentary page for the Bill is here:  

 The Design Refinement consultation – SoS decision here:   

 Summary report of consultation responses here:  
  The PDF document of announcement and debate of 17th July 2017 – the relevant part starts on page 7, Column 661.